I found this awesome source while on the look-out for ways to avoid GMOs. The True Food Network "works to protect human health and the environment by curbing the proliferation of harmful food production technologies and by promoting organic and other forms of sustainable agriculture."
I urge you to check out this link, as there is only so much I can summarize! This list gives us a compilation of major supermarket brands that don't use GMOs in their products! The list is divided up by brands that are entirely non-GMO, those with some non-GMO products, and those with no known organic or GMO brands. The grocery store brands that don't use GMOs: Whole Foods brands 365 Everyday Value Trader Joe's The grocery store brands that usesome GMOs: A&P AholdUSA Bashas' Bi-Lo Costco Wholesale Group (Kirkland brands) Delhaize America Giant Eagle Harris Teeter Hy-Vee Food Stores Kroger Co. Meijer Nash Finch Co. Price Chopper Supermarkets Raley's Supermarkets Safeway (Oh no!) Schnuck Markets Spartan Stores Supervalu Target, Super Target Wal-Mart Stores Wegman's Food Markets Wels Markets Winn-Dixie Stores
The grocery store brands with no known GMOs: Aldi Ingles Markets Roundy's Supermarkets Save Mart Supermarkets Smart and Final Click the image below to download the True Food Network's Supermarket Activist Kit!
They also have a 17 page PDF that you can print out and take with you when you go shopping--it talks about the 4 ways to avoid GMOs at the store and lists brands that don't have GMOs. The first way, as we know by now, is to buy organic. The second tip is to look for labels that profess a non-GMO product. The third way is to avoid buying "at risk" products because they are mostly GM in our food supply--things with corn, soybeans, canola and cottonseed-- what some people call the "Big Four." The fourth way to avoid buying GMO foods at your local store is to take this guide with you.
The list of products is extensive, especially the section on non-GMO dairy!
Taken from the PDF
Taken from the PDF
...And if you don't feel like printing out their entire guide, there's an app! It really can't get any more convenient than that!
There has really hardly been any testing on the effects of GMOs on humans, but almost all lab animals exposed to GMOs have had negative reactions in one way or another. I thought this graph was helpful in seeing a variety of illnesses caused by GMOs in these animals.
While we're being educational, I also am attaching this YouTube video. I personally follow a blogger who reports on Mike Adams, "Health Ranger" and reporter on Natural News. This video reports on the effects GMOs have on our organs and also talks about how Monsanto literally says: "There is no need to test the safety of DNA introduced into GM crops" and that there is "no need for, or value in testing the safety of GM food in humans."
The rest of the video goes on to talk about the recent study called "Exogenous plant MIR168a targets mammalian LDLRAP1: evidence of cross-kingdom regulation by microRNA." This means that microRNA "has now been found to pass from the foods through digestion into your blood and then to attach onto your organs." There, it "modifies the function and the expression of those organs. This is groundbreaking science. This nullifies the safety claims of Monsanto." In the abstract of the study, "we report the surprising finding that exogenous plant miRNAs are present in the sera and tissues of various animals and that these exogenous plant miRNAs are primarily acquired orally, through food intake." Adams asks the quintessential question: if we are what we eat, then "what happens when you consume plants that have been altered--artificially concocted--in a laboratory by profit-driven scientists working for the most evil corporation in the world?"
Organic Consumers Association links us to this article written by Dr. Mercola, an osteopathic physician who runs the website Mercola.com, which is dedicated to natural health from a MD perspective. In November 2011, 250 Boulder County residents gathered to discuss GMO crops on county-owned land. Their support, along with the support via the recommendation from Boulder's Food and Agriculture Policy Council, led to the official phasing out of GMOs on our open space. Voted 5-4 in support of the council's recommendation to ban GMOs, all 16,000 acres of county-owned land currently using GMOs will be forced to change back to the traditional use of non-GMO seeds! Farmers had petitioned to use GM sugar beets and were turned away after the clear opposition of any use of GMOs in Boulder County. The Boulder Daily Camera quotes John Nibarger, Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee member, "There's the voters' side of this, and there's the farmers' side of this...I think we heard rather strongly...(that a lot of voters) don't want to see GM crops." Check out this article to read more in detail. Another interesting recommendation is the Citizens Cropland Policy, which would consider allowing farmers to grow GMOs--but only if they can prove that the benefits outweigh the risks; a task no one seems to be able to do! The policy does call for a GMO ban, but also calls for studies to be done on county cropland soil to see if any health concerns can be attained from the results of soil testing. The boards ended up slightly changing the policy that officially mandated the banning of GMOs:
"Many of the policies in the (Citizens Cropland Policy) reflect what was the starting point for [Cropland Policy Advisory Group] discussions...The majority report (in the draft policy) reflects the changes from a single voice to the chorus of voices that was the intention of the policy development process."
One organization to check out, called GM Know, posted a bullet-point list of the "guiding principles" of the Citizens Cropland Policy. Some of the highlights include focusing on annual testing of soil quality, "regenerative agricultural practices," ban of GM crops on Boulder County Open Space (BCOS), ban of pesticides glyphosate and neonicotinoid, and management of sustainable livestock grazing practices.
GMO-Free Boulder is "The campaign to rid Boulder County of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) on our public land, in our school lunches, and anywhere else that is tax-payer funded. We are not the human feeding experiment." Their website highlights a major problem in Boulder County: the companies who hold the patents on certain seeds are trying to plant GMOs on Boulder County Open Space. The purpose, according to GMO-Free Boulder, is for corporate gain by means of selling these GMOs in the international commodity market. Monsanto is trying to forge their way onto our lands by ensuring control of our agriculture. Luckily for us, we Boulderites don't stand for this kind of corporate control and GMO-Free Boulder is an effort towards raising awareness and giving "a voice to the 71% of voters in Boulder County who want GMOs prohibited on public land." One of the major repercussions for allowing GMO seeds on our open space is that wind carries the seeds and contaminates organic farms that are doing everything they can to stay far away from these patented seeds. Then the farmers who unknowingly are growing GMOs because they blew over from a neighboring farm can get sued by these seed patenting companies like Monsanto for using the seeds without permission. GMO-Free Boulder and thousands of local Boulderites have lobbied towards the labeling of GMO foods and banning the use of GMO alfalfa that "would have destroyed the organic dairy farm industry in Boulder County." Monsanto had a stroke of luck in 2011 and was allowed to grow GMO sugar beets on public land, and in 2012, "GMO-Free Boulder will continue campaigning to rid GMOs from both public agricultural lands as well as public school lunches." I love this quote by Ziggy Marley on the top of GMO-Free Boulder's website:
"Genetically Modified Organisms are not something I would feed to myself or my children. The struggle for humanity today and in the years ahead is the struggle to remain free, and especially free from Genetically Modified Organisms as food. Without knowledge, information, choice and a say in society about our food and our land, our basic freedoms are denied. Our lives and our children's lives, the life of earth, plant and seed are today in our hands."
Below is a video of a Boulder Rally against the use of GMOs (listen to the lyrics of the background music--very relevant!):
GMO-Free Boulder gives us the chance to sign the petition for Colorado legislature to support the labeling of GMOs--I signed it, did you?!
"That we, the members of the Colorado General Assembly and the people of Colorado, officially declare and recognize universal support in federal labeling of genetically-engineered organisms in food prior to sale."
Damn right we do! I read through the petition and thought it would be useful to show you the most salient statements presented:
1) WHEREAS, Following the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (USFDA) approval of the use of genetically-altered material in food in 1992, the growing of genetically-engineered (GE) crops – primarily soybean, corn, alfalfa, cotton, canola and sugar beet – has increased exponentially; and
2) WHEREAS, The Center For Food Safety filed a lawsuit claiming the USDA had violated the law by licensing Monsanto’s GE sugar beets without performing the required study; and
3) WHEREAS, A federal judge ordered that Monsanto’s sugar beet license be revoked until the study was completed; and
4) WHEREAS, Monsanto’s GE sugar beets comprise more than 95% of the total U.S. sugar beet market; and
5) WHEREAS, The consumer has a right to know that sugar made from GE sugar beets is genetically-modified; and
6) WHEREAS, GE foods are currently banned in 50 countries; and
7) WHEREAS, Many companies such as Kraft and Nestle already reformulate their products without GE ingredients for the European Union due to labeling requirements adopted in the EU despite assurances from the U.S. Government that GMO wheat, soy and corn were safe; and
8) WHEREAS, According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 93% of 2010’s soybean crop was genetically-engineered, and according to the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), GE ingredients are present in about 80% of all conventionally-processed food in the United States; and
9) WHEREAS, Despite widespread agriculture and food industry acceptance of GE organisms, significant public concern (recent polls show more than 90 percent of Americans support GE labeling) exists in respect to the human health and environmental risks associated with the genetic engineering of crops; and
10) WHEREAS, Consumers have the right to know what is in their food in order to make informed choices about whether or not to purchase GE food; and
11) WHEREAS, The U.S. Patent Office is now awarding patents for GE seeds, reversing a century-long policy forbidding patents on living things; and
12) WHEREAS, The county of Boulder, CO has already adopted policy to support federal labeling of genetically-engineered foods; and
I must say, despite the lack of transparency on GMOs and our food system, it does make me happy to see that awareness really is starting to gain traction. I know we live in a city that seriously values health more than most places in this country, but hey--someone has to start saying "No!" to GMOs! Go Boulder!
Whole Foods Market is always a great option--expensive, but you know they support a healthy lifestyle! During Non-GMO Month in October, they supported the anti-GMO movement by featuring hundreds of verified products from the Non-GMO Project and they continually reiterate their support for labeling efforts like California's Prop 37 and Washington's Initiative Measure 522. Some tips Whole Foods gives us for avoiding GMOs:
Go organic! The USDA National Organic Standards do not allow genetically engineered seed and ingredients in the growth and production of organic foods.
Look for the Non-GMO Project Verified seal, which indicates the product has passed a third-party verification program indicating that a product has been produced according to best practices and procedures to avoid the intentional use of GMO ingredients.
Buy 365 Everyday Value® organic food products and plant-based non-organic 365 Everyday Value® food products -- both sourced to avoid genetically engineered ingredients.
Here is also a link from Whole Food's website to see the list of verified products stores in your area carry!
Be warned, however, Whole Foods does not label all of their GMOs by any means, so make sure to look for Non-GMO Project Verified products, and be sure to buy organic whenever you can. Many people assume that because Whole Foods is a health food store, they must label things like GMOs or simply not sell GMO products at all. Like the Whole Foods spokesperson says in the video below, unless a store is entirely organic, almost every market in the country sells products with GMOs.
The problem highlighted in the video is that many Whole Foods customers aren't aware of the fact that there are GMO products sold at Whole Foods, and that their claim on the side of the Whole Foods building "Nothing Artificial...EVER!" is false advertising, as GMOs are in fact artificially created. Libba Letton, Whole Foods executive, handler of investment relations and director of food safety, makes a somewhat ridiculous statement in the video: "I don't think that Whole Foods does anything to try and make people think that we don't have food with GMOs in them." I think if Whole Foods really is committed to being "America's Healthiest GroceryStore," they should consider the effects of GMOs and consider the fact that people want to know what they're buying!
If this is how Whole Foods sees themselves ("...finest natural and organic foods...maintain the strictest quality standards in the industry...unshakeable commitment to sustainable agriculture..."), they should make GMO labeling a priority and try to support farmers who are trying to steer clear of GMO seeds.
In one of my previous posts, I took a picture of what to look out for in Whole Foods stores to make sure what you're buying is Non-GMO Project Verified!
I wouldn't be doing this blog justice if I didn't discuss the specifics of GMOs--the dangers and health concerns, consequences felt by our farmers, and the potential future repercussions we might be facing if we don't change things. I have listed some quick facts, mostly gathered from OrganicConsumers.org: 1: You have been eating GMOs since 1996, when GMOs were first introduced in processed foods. 2: GMOs involve the insertion of genes into the DNA of things like corn, soybean, cotton seed, and tomatoes. These genes can come from bacteria and viruses, which is new to the human food supply. 3: GMOs are not safe; studies on rats have linked GMOs to tumors in rats, and are thought to be related to allergenic and toxic reactions in livestock animals. You might be wondering why the FDA isn't protecting us if GMOs are actually bad for us, and unfortunately a lot of it seems to be politically driven. The position of the FDA on GMOs is skewed because a lot of support for political appointees comes from companies like Monsanto that obviously want to push the transparency of GMOs. Even FDA scientists have warned about the foggy consequences of GMOs and urge studies to be performed. Now, these biotech companies are in charge of polluting a majority of our food supply with GMOs because no one is regulating it! OrganicConsumers.org lists a couple of the reasons why these biotech companies are making GMOs: 1: These GMOs are being created in order to make the plants affected resistant to the company's herbicides. Soy, corn, cotton, and canola, the 4 biggest genetically modified crops, are engineered so that they won't die under otherwise fatal herbicide levels. According to OrganicConsumers.org, 68% of genetically modified crops are herbicide tolerant. 2: The second "trait" of GMOs are their inherent pesticides. OrganicConsumers.org cites that 19% of genetically modified crops produce their own pesticide, while 13% produce a pesticide that is resistant to herbicides. One thing you might've taken from the video I posted from a previous post is that we seem to be the only country without this "right to know." Other countries have stuck their noses in the air and said "hell no" to the United State's effort to spread the usage of GMOs. In fact, when GMO soy was introduced in the UK, allergies to soy jumped 50%! When the concern hit its peak in Europe about GMOs in 1999, it only took one week to abandon the use of GMOs in major food manufacturers. ONE WEEK! You should check out this neat interactive activity I found is on PBS.com where you can engineer your own GMO crops!
One awesome resource I urge you all to check out is the Non-GMO Project's website and their verified products. The Non-GMO Project is a non-profit organization that strives to educate Americans about GMOs as well as get as many products "Non-GMO Project Verified," so that consumers are aware of what they are eating. During Non-GMO Month (in October), Alfalfa's, for example, put posters up all over the store in support of the organization!
While in Whole Foods earlier today, I also noticed their support of the Non-GMO Project on labels in front of some of their products--specifically the brand 365 Everyday Value.
The Non-GMO Project is the only third party verification organization in North America and currently has over 5,000 products Non-GMO Verified. We should strive to convince as many truly organic brands to verify themselves through this organization so we can continue making steps towards empowering consumers in their choices. The Non-GMO Project is aware of the dangers that come with GMOs and cross-pollination of our organic farms, "so we also work with food manufacturers, distributors, growers, and seed suppliers to develop a standard for detection of GMOs and for the reduction of contamination risk of the non-GMO food supply with GMOs." On this page of their website, you will find a list of hundreds of brands that are Non-GMO Project Verified! You can also go here to search by state what grocery stores are Non-GMO Project supporters or endorsers. I personally follow their blog, which gives out helpful hints to avoid buying GMO products for holidays that usually have a lot of GMOs. Their most recent post included a PDF of how to make a non-GMO Thanksgiving!
Needless to say, this is a very valuable resource. It is the only resource of its kind and helps you become aware of how you can confidently buy non-GMO by searching participating retailers near by and seeing what brands truly are organic. Non-GMO Project absolutely empowers us non-GMO proponents because we can make the whole thing a little more transparent. There are also ways to get involved that include making a request for verification of a product, buying non-GMO, donating, and becoming aware of "The Right to Know Effort." You can of course get involved by simply raising awareness and spreading your knowledge about the transparency behind genetically modified organisms!
One of my most favorite local non-GMO proponents is Alfalfa's grocery store. Not only do they support Colorado farmers, but they also boast a mostly organic and non-GMO product line. The market itself is also sustainable, and you can read more about that on their website. Their Boulder store is located on the corner of Broadway and Arapahoe! On their blog, they talk a little bit about why they're so against GMOs. For starters, GMOs can contaminate nearby crops via cross-pollination--Alfalfa's is all about the organic farms! They acknowledge that GMOs are not allowed in organic agriculture and therefore that is the best way for you to make an informed decision about your groceries--buy organic! However, for those non-organic products, you can still keep a look out for third party verifications because Alfalfa's will "accept products that make a non-GMO claim as long as they are certified by one of these third party verifiers." I was first made aware of their anti-GMO efforts when I visited during October (Anti-GMO Month) and saw their blatant participation!
"Get GMOs Off Open Space"
And again on my way out...
Get out of our plants!
On Alfalfa's blog, they posted a hilarious celebrity video about the "right to know":
After getting to know a little bit more about our food system, I became quite concerned about the growing problem of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and now try to avoid them as much as I can. For those of you who aren't sure what genetically modified organisms are, here's a brief explanation taken from the Health and Safety Executive. Genetically modified foods have had the genetic material of an organism and basically injected into the cells of other organisms. This is an unnatural process that doesn't occur in nature and involves the removal of DNA, manipulation of that DNA, then the reinsertion back into that organism--"The aim of GM is often to introduce a new or altered characteristic to the target organism." One of my favorite examples is the fish-tomato. Tomatoes were freezing in the cold temperatures, making them seasonal. GM tomatoes have had their DNA crossed with that of the winter flounder, giving them the ability to be grown all year round.
Does this sound like something you want happening to your food? I know I certainly don't! What is even more disturbing to me and many other anti-GMO proponents is that the companies that are distributing genetically modified seeds are paying millions of dollars against the efforts towards mandating the labeling of GMO products. The Huffington Post reveals the donors towards the efforts against Prop 37, which would have mandated the labeling of GMO products in California and failed in the election:
...Meanwhile, proponents of the proposition were only able to raise $7.3 million.
So now that I have briefly introduced my concerns about the future of our food system thanks to GMOs, I will express the purpose of this blog! I am a senior at the University of Colorado in Boulder, and after living for almost 4 years in one of the healthiest cities in the country, I have made it my quest to see how difficult or how easy it will be to avoid buying GMOs. Hopefully I can help spread awareness while also giving options for the best places to shop without unknowingly buying GMO!