Sunday, December 9, 2012

Whole Foods

Whole Foods Market is always a great option--expensive, but you know they support a healthy lifestyle! During Non-GMO Month in October, they supported the anti-GMO movement by featuring hundreds of verified products from the Non-GMO Project and they continually reiterate their support for labeling efforts like California's Prop 37 and Washington's Initiative Measure 522. 

Some tips Whole Foods gives us for avoiding GMOs:

  • Go organic! The USDA National Organic Standards do not allow genetically engineered seed and ingredients in the growth and production of organic foods.
  • Look for the Non-GMO Project Verified seal, which indicates the product has passed a third-party verification program indicating that a product has been produced according to best practices and procedures to avoid the intentional use of GMO ingredients.
  • Buy 365 Everyday Value® organic food products and plant-based non-organic 365 Everyday Value® food products -- both sourced to avoid genetically engineered ingredients.
Here is also a link from Whole Food's website to see the list of verified products stores in your area carry!

Be warned, however, Whole Foods does not label all of their GMOs by any means, so make sure to look for Non-GMO Project Verified products, and be sure to buy organic whenever you can. Many people assume that because Whole Foods is a health food store, they must label things like GMOs or simply not sell GMO products at all. Like the Whole Foods spokesperson says in the video below, unless a store is entirely organic, almost every market in the country sells products with GMOs. 

The problem highlighted in the video is that many Whole Foods customers aren't aware of the fact that there are GMO products sold at Whole Foods, and that their claim on the side of the Whole Foods building "Nothing Artificial...EVER!" is false advertising, as GMOs are in fact artificially created. Libba Letton, Whole Foods executive, handler of investment relations and director of food safety, makes a somewhat ridiculous statement in the video: "I don't think that Whole Foods does anything to try and make people think that we don't have food with GMOs in them." I think if Whole Foods really is committed to being "America's Healthiest Grocery Store," they should consider the effects of GMOs and consider the fact that people want to know what they're buying! 

If this is how Whole Foods sees themselves ("...finest natural and organic foods...maintain the strictest quality standards in the industry...unshakeable commitment to sustainable agriculture..."), they should make GMO labeling a priority and try to support farmers who are trying to steer clear of GMO seeds. 

In one of my previous posts, I took a picture of what to look out for in Whole Foods stores to make sure what you're buying is Non-GMO Project Verified! 

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